

The assignment for this seminar is to link one of the texts that we are discussing to a work of art, and to do this during a presentation in class and in a short essay.

For the presentation this means the following:

text fragment:
– situate this fragment within the larger text it came from and situate the text within the total body of work of its author
– summarize the vision of the author on the relationship between humans and technology
– formulate two or three questions that relate to the text for discussion in the group (preferably real questions that interest you and to which you perhaps do not already have an answer)
– choose fragments of about two pages in total that we can read together in class to get to the core of the argument.

art work:
– choose a work of art (in any medium or discipline) that has a link for you with the text fragment
– situate the work of art in the body of work of its author and in its context
– explain the link you see between the text and the art work you chose
– formulate one or two questions triggered by the art work about the relationship between humans and technology.

The questions are the most important; the rest serves as background to this.

For the essay this means:

text fragment:
– situate this fragment within the larger text it came from and situate the text within the total body of work of its author
– summarize the vision of the author on the relationship between humans and technology

art work:
– choose a work of art (in any medium or discipline) that has a link for you with the text fragment
– situate the work of art in the body of work of its author and in its context
– explain the link you see between the text and the art work you chose
– discuss one or two questions triggered by the art work about the relationship between humans and technology.
– make a link to your own artistic practice if appropriate.

The evaluation will be based on presence (you can miss one of the eight sessions), on your participation in the discuusion, on your presentation and on the essay.
We will discuss the deadline for the paper in the first session.

Joost Rekveld