books, umwelt, writing plants as inventors 020070908 Joost Rekveld As part of (as always) escalating research for an essay I’m writing I’ve recently been reading this little book: “Die Pflanze als Erfinder”…
observations, umwelt home in the sky 020070823 Joost Rekveld The result of a charming bug in Google Sky: when you change from Earthview to Skyview, it keeps displaying your earthly placemarks. So…
umwelt, websites inorganic life in plasmacrystals ? 020070815 Joost Rekveld a plasmacrystal from New Scientist: “According to a new simulation, electrically charged dust can organise itself into DNA-like double helixes that behave in…
umwelt, websites bizarre vibrations 020070806 Joost Rekveld check out this video, see also earlier post.…